

Brussel sprouts salad with pomegranate and tofu cheese

It’s time to refresh the menu with this delicious and eye-catching salad! Since I am a fan of green vegetables prepared in different ways, the Brussels sprouts are next to shine. Many do not like them for their specific aroma and taste but I encourage you to read on and try out the way I prepare them as they blend in perfectly with the other ingredients! Try this Brussel sprouts salad with pomegranate and tofu cheese.

⅓ leek, chopped finely
½ pomegranate, seeds
2 handful Brussels sprouts, cut in half
1 tbsp light sesame oil
½ baked tofu cheese
1 handful grated carrot
salt and pepper

Fry the leeks in a pan with heated sesame oil and then add the pre-washed and cut Brussels sprouts. Season with salt and pepper and allow the dish to cool down. Afterward, add pomegranate, tofu cheese and carrots to the dish and serve.

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