

Kale and pomegranate salad

Here’s is kale and pomegranate salad you can also eat the following day after making it and it will still be fresh and crunchy! This great vegetable has a lot of advantages such as providing lots of minerals and vitamins, boosting functions of the respiratory tract and supporting immunity.

1 bunch of kale, rinsed, with removed stems and chopped
2 carrots, diced
1 handful of pumpkin seeds
1 handful of sunflower seeds
1 pomegranate, seeds added before serving
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
salt and black pepper to taste

Combine oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a small cup. Place chopped kale, carrots and seeds in a large bowl. Pour dressing over salad and mix it well with your hands, about 3-4 minutes. Try it and add more lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper if needed. Pour the pomegranate seeds over the salad, then mix everything together. Serve and enjoy!

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