

Raw date cookies with chocolate

Great and quick solution for a healthy dessert! These are raw date cookies with chocolate, which you can prepare in 30 minutes. This recipe you can use when you want to eat something sweet right now. Choose dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cacao.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Servings: 12 cookies

1 cup pitted dates
1 cup almond flour (blended almonds)
½ tsp vanilla extract
a pinch of salt
¼ cup dark vegan chocolate pieces

1. Put pitted dates in a blender and blend until tiny pieces remain or a ball forms.
2. Then add almond flour, vanilla extract, and salt and blend until combined.
3. Shape the balls from the resulting mixture. You’ll need 1 ½ tbsp of mixture for one ball.
4. Put a piece of dark chocolate on top of every ball.
5. Serve and enjoy!

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